ASD Employee Spotlight: Sue Fritz

Jun 22, 2015

Account Solutions Representative, Sue Fritz, has been a familiar voice to funeral directors for more than 10 years. Sue joined the ASD team in 2002 and began answering calls as a Call Specialist in our Operations department. Within a year, ASD’s managers recognized Sue’s sensitivity handling difficult calls and strong comprehension of ASD’s proprietary systems. After being promoted to Training Specialist, Sue was responsible for ensuring new hires successfully completed ASD’s 6-month training program while helping out with office projects such as verifying the accuracy of new accounts. When a position opened up in ASD’s Customer Service Department, Sue’s strong attention to detail and customer service skills made her a natural fit. Today, Sue helps new clients learn how to use all of ASD’s features and gathers feedback from funeral directors on how ASD can enhance their experience. We are proud to feature Sue in this month’s “Employee Spotlight.”

Click here to read last month’s spotlight.

What were some of your early experiences working at ASD?

I never thought I would get through training. At 17 years old and still a child myself, it was a hard pill to swallow having to take my first death call. Never having to make that call myself to a funeral home up until a few years ago, it was very difficult. I told my trainer there’s no way I could do this job, but here I am 13 years later, with a baby of my own, and a greater appreciation for how precious life is. I feel privileged to have helped console so many families in my time here.

How has ASD changed since you started working here?

For one, the technology has definitely come a long way. We would read the message directly to the client unlike today where we offer a text message or voicemail to listen to the message for those who aren’t automatically getting the messages text to their phone or pushed right through the mobile app. I have also had the opportunity to work in 3 different departments at ASD; I started as a call specialist, then after 9 years I had the experience to work as a New Client Specialist with our Sales team for 3 years, and most recently was given the opportunity to join the ASD Account Solutions Department. It’s been a great adventure so far!

What are some of your primary responsibilities working in our Customer Solutions Department?

A big part of my job is welcoming new clients to ASD, getting their accounts setup for service and reviewing with them the many different features we have to offer and how they work. I also make daily calls to existing clients to ensure we are offering them the best service possible and make sure their staff is comfortable with our system and there aren’t any issues with their account setup or how calls are being handled.

Why is Proactive Customer Service important for ASD and our clients?

It allows us to maintain an open line of communication with our clients and gives them the peace of mind in knowing that there is always someone available to help customize their account to their needs and the needs of the families they are servicing to avoid any potential issues.

What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of ASD?

On September 11, 2014, I became a first time mom to an amazing baby boy, Christopher, whom I could no longer picture my life without. He recently is trying to walk so he definitely keeps me on my toes. It’s great to watch him grow and develop his own personality and interact with our dog, Rufus. I enjoy spending weekends with my boyfriend and family at our shore house, attending country concerts with my mom, traveling, and just enjoying life.

What do you find most rewarding about your job?

For me, the most rewarding part about working at ASD is that I haven’t only developed a relationship with my coworkers, but I have gained a second family. Over the years, I have learned compassion and patience are key in any situation ranging from someone calling in to find out when services are being held for an old friend or taking first call information from a grieving family. Your compassionate voice is going to be the one that caller is depending on to assist them or console them at that moment.

Each month, ASD will feature a different employee on our blog. Be sure to check back to see who June’s Employee Spotlight will feature.

About The Author

Jess Farren (Fowler)

Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at

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