ASD Expands Customer Service Team

Funeral directors need support and assistance from their vendors as they are often juggling multiple tasks at once. Recognizing the importance of responsive and proactive customer service, ASD recently established a dedicated Customer Service department. This recent expansion helps our service get to know clients on a more personal level.

While Supervisors are available to assist you 24/7, ASD’s Customer Service team was created to provide your funeral home with dedicated Account Manager. Expanded customer service capabilities allow ASD to offer more guidance and assistance to our clients. With more than one quarter of all funeral homes in the nation trusting ASD with their sensitive calls, the Customer Service department ensures every client receives the individual attention they need.

“Proactive Customer Service is so important for our clients and for ASD because it gives our clients reassurance that someone is monitoring the activity on their accounts on a regular basis. It’s rewarding to know that we are helping our clients to use us as efficiently as possible,” says ASD Customer Service Team Manager, Sherry Martin. “No one client is the same as another. Working in the Customer Service Department allows me to think out side of the box and find creative solutions to each of our clients’ unique situations.”

The Customer Service team consists of experienced employees who have exceeded expectations in their role as Supervisors or Assistant Supervisors. When a funeral home signs on to take advantage of ASD’s free trial offer, they are immediately assigned a dedicated Customer Service Account Manager. The Account Manager will follow up regularly to ensure clients understand the different features and tools ASD offers.

According to ASD Customer Service Team Manager, Anne O’Reilly, “The most important aspect of the Customer Service Department is that we are communicating with these funeral directors from day one and constantly monitoring their account. One of the main goals I have in moving forwarding with my new position is to continue showing them the latest and greatest features ASD has to offer is. It is always rewarding to hear from a Funeral Director how much ASD has changed their lives whether it’s personally or professionally.”

Understanding that every funeral home is different, ASD’s Customer Service reps will work around the funeral home’s schedule by tracking how and when the staff prefers to communicate. From scheduling a conference call with all of the funeral home employees to sending detailed instructions via email, ASD’s Customer Service department can accommodate the specific requests of all clients.

“Since we are only working with the funeral profession, we’ve been able to develop custom communication solutions for all of our clients. This is very different than what you would find at any other answering service,” says ASD Vice President, Kevin Czachor.

To contact ASD’s Customer Service team, call 800-868-9950 ext 5 or email

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