ASD Releases ASD Mobile 4 with Powerful New MobileFH® Texting Solution

May 30, 2019

Directors Will Now Be Able to Send and Receive Text Messages Using Their Funeral Home’s Main Business Phone Number

ASD is pleased to announce the release of the ASD Mobile 4 app to the Apple App Store and the official launch of an exclusive texting solution we created for on-call funeral directors. MobileFH® Texting allows ASD clients to send and receive text messages using the funeral home’s main business number as the sending number. This innovative technology empowers funeral professionals to be responsive to families without sacrificing their privacy.

To update the ASD Mobile app on our iPhone or iPad, visit the Apple App Store. Available for no cost through 2019!

ASD’s Technical Team created MobileFH® Texting specifically to support on-call funeral directors by helping to facilitate mobile communications. The feature works by connecting the funeral home’s office number to ASD. MobileFH® Texting ensures families and contacts are using the right phone number when sending sensitive information to the funeral home via text message. It also provides on-call funeral directors more freedom to conduct business on the go without giving out their personal cell phone numbers. Funeral home owners and managers can easily review their staff message exchanges with families as all text messages, photos and important documents are stored safely within the ASD Mobile app.

By allowing funeral professionals to use their funeral home’s number to communicate via text message, ASD is resolving a whole host of on-call issues that have caused funeral directors countless headaches in the past.

Don’t miss out on our FREE TRIAL of MobileFH® Texting running until the end of 2019!

MobileFH® Texting: 7 Solutions in One Tool

1) Offers on-call directors added privacy and better protection for their cell phone number.

2) Allows every director to easily retrieve photos and attachments from families and other contacts

3) Prevents directors from having to respond to text messages on their day off, which helps alleviate staff burn out.

4) Provides a record of the conversation and a general location for all texts – keeping everyone on the same page.

5) Enhances office organization and streamlines tasks by making important communications easier to find and retrieve.

6) Gives owners and managers added oversight to monitor staff’s text messages with funeral home contacts.

7) Ensures a family does not text a funeral director who is no longer working at the funeral home.

“I have been one of the lucky funeral homes to sign up for the beta testing for MobileFH® Texting. The day I downloaded the new app on my smartphone, I used it and loved it! A first call, at need family was price shopping and I was able to send her prices with the secure name of my funeral home. Not only did it legitimize my response, but it put this family at ease by professionalizing our business. I am a small volume funeral home and new owner in a very traditional community, therefore I often forward my funeral home calls to my cell phone. The ability to text families while away from the office is priceless. From obituaries, to social security numbers, to photos for the website, families have a sense of comfort when they see the contact is Acevez Funeral Home, not some random unknown number. Thank you ASD for this progressive thinking and convenient feature.”Robert Acevez, Acevez Funeral Home in East Chicago, IN.

MobileFH® Texting is an extension of ASD’s MobileFH® feature, which enables ASD clients to call any phone number from their cell phone and display the funeral home business phone as their outgoing Caller ID. By introducing this patented, unrivaled technology to text messaging, ASD is making it even easier for on-call funeral directors to be responsive to families without sacrificing their privacy.

“When cellular technology was first introduced, it provided directors with more freedom than they had ever enjoyed in the past, but it also introduced a new host of on-call dilemmas. It’s no wonder so many funeral professionals struggle with compassion fatigue and burn out; it’s pretty difficult to separate your personal life from your professional life when you’re receiving text messages from families on your night off,” says ASD’s Vice President and Family-Member Owner, Kevin Czachor. “We analyzed this problem and developed a solution specifically to help on-call funeral directors while improving the funeral home’s overall communication. MobileFH® Texting is truly a win-win-win for everyone!”

In December, ASD sent out a prerelease invitation to our company’s beta texting program. More than 100 funeral homes worked closely with our technical team to provide feedback and their firsthand accounts of using the feature. This process helped ASD to ensure MobileFH® Texting meets the needs of our clients and is compatible with all devices. ASD Clients can access the feature by updating their ASD Mobile app through the Apple App Store. An Android-compatible version is currently being developed and will be released in the coming months.

Important Note About Authorizing MobileFH® Texting For Your ASD Account

ASD utilizes several vendors for telecommunications including Zipwip, to ensure our outgoing communications are timely and accurate. We understand the potential value of every call and the importance of protecting the sensitive information we gather for your funeral home. Due to these safeguards, our MobileFH® Texting requires a separate authorization from the contract signer, owner or manager of your ASD account. Once the app has been updated, a message will appear on his or her phone with a checkbox option to provide this authorization for each phone number listed as a contact on the account.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please call 800-868-9950 ext. 5 or email


ASD Currently Beta Testing Revolutionary MobileFH™ Texting Feature
ASD’s MobileFH™ Feature Awarded Patent from U.S. Patent Office
ASD Introduces Patented App Feature, MobileFH™ and New Phone Screening Tools

About The Author

Jess Farren (Fowler)

Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at

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