ASD’S Winter 2019 Extra Mile Award Winners

Mar 01, 2019

Here at ASD, we believe the longevity of our staff is truly a testament to the supportive company culture we have worked hard to foster. Though our company has grown exponentially over the past ten years, we have never lost that feeling of a small, family-owned company. We highly encourage staff interactions through collaborative projects, team building exercises, social activities, athletic competitions, volunteer events…you name it! This is because we want everyone at ASD to remain connected as we grow and evolve as a company.

In 2017, we introduced the “ASD Extra Mile Award” to give our employees the opportunity to commend one another for a job well done. Every month, several of our employees are selected based on nominations submitted by their co-workers and featured in ASD’s monthly newsletter, The Team ASD Times. This award fosters positivity in the office and helps us to spotlight employees who go above and beyond to do a good job at ASD. Since this award was first introduced, employees in each one of ASD’s different departments have been featured. Our staff appreciates being able to recognize their fellow colleagues and the different ways they contribute positively to ASD.

We will be regularly sharing “ASD Extra Mile Award” Winners on our blog. Below are the most recent recipients of this distinguished honor.

2017 Winners

2018 Winners


ASD’S Winter 2019 Extra Mile Award Winners

Sue Fritz

Client Solutions Specialist – ASD’s Account Solutions Team
Joined ASD in January 2001

“Sue is always there when in need of information or insight on how to better serve a client. She is always willing to assist clients by sharing information to help them better understand a feature or setup.”… “Sue is always available to help when needed and always with a smile. Her friendly disposition is perfect for what she does for ASD and she is always there for clients in need.”…”Sue cares deeply about her co-workers and is always going out of her way to make someone’s day a little brighter.”

Mandie Dix

Assistant Supervisor – ASD’s Operations Team
Joined ASD in March 2013

“Mandie is an excellent Assistant Supervisor. She works consistently with little to no direction needed.”…“Mandie is discreet and professional. She is always quick to run for the phone and eager to help with questions.”…“Mandie is eager to learn and pleasant to work with. She has been doing a consistently good job for a long time. She does not concern herself with office politics. Her focus is on her work and it really shows.”…”Mandie is committed to her work and really sets a great example.”

Craig Meehan

National Sales Manager – ASD’s Sales and Marketing Team
Joined ASD in March 2016

“Craig goes the extra mile everyday, during the normal business hours, at nights and on weekends to help prospects and clients with answers to questions they have regarding our services. In addition to helping prospects and clients during and after business hours, Craig helps other ASD team members with suggestions and information they may need to either close a sales lead or help get the prospect or client to the next step in the process.”… “Craig’s experience and knowledge with ASD has been a huge factor in his success and the success of other team members. Craig has the respect of many ASD employees, and his leadership is very valuable to many different functions within ASD.”… “It is a pleasure to work with Craig, because of his knowledge and experience with other ASD functions, he can give me suggestions on different situations I encounter with prospects to help close deals.”

Helen Leboffe

Client Solutions Specialist – ASD’s Account Solutions Team
Joined ASD in June 2015

“Helen took a lot of time and showed dedication in figuring out a solution for a difficult account set up. She has a Call Specialist shift on the weekend, so she could have let this go until Monday if she wanted to, but she decided to put her time and energy into figuring out the best solution for this client.”….“Helen is a wonderful Assistant while in Operations, but she makes an even better Client Solutions Specialist. I believe her smile and positive attitude make it very easy for people to talk to her. She is very smart and a pleasure to speak with.”

Amanda Strain

Assistant Supervisor – ASD’s Operations Team
Joined ASD in January 2017

“Amanda is a wonderful assistant, trainer and overall employee! She comes in to the office with a positive attitude every day and is always willing to help.”…“Amanda is very helpful to all our staff, especially the new employees and supervisors.”…“It is always a pleasure working with Amanda, she makes the night easier. She is a fast learner who works well in a fast-paced environment and picks up on things very quickly.”

Allison Alexander

Call Specialist – ASD’s Operations Team
Joined ASD in May 2017

“On a busy Saturday morning, a Trainee (first day on the floor) was having a hard time managing her calls. During the morning, she was assisted by several Supervisors and then Allison helped her. I saw the relief and appreciation on the Trainee’s face. Allison’s patient, kind, and compassionate manner, reminded me of what makes this a great place to work. Not only do we help callers….we help and support each other!”…”Allison is truly a wonderful person to work who is always willing to help others and make someone’s day a little brighter.”

Be sure to check back next season to read about our Spring 2019 Extra Mile Award Winners.




About The Author

Jess Farren (Fowler)

Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at


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