ASD’s Convenient Check Out Options


Dec 06, 2017

At ASD, we are committed to offering you the choices and customizations to make monitoring your telephone activity convenient. We recognize that at times, you may only want to be contacted for First Calls and time-sensitive issues. Staffing levels can vary significantly depending on the number of services scheduled and we realize how difficult it can be to predict your availability. That is why we offer four different check out options to match your changing needs.

Normal Contact Procedure (CODE BLUE)

When creating an account with ASD, clients let us know the reasons they want to be contacted by ASD in the future. We then use this information to create an unique account profile with a customizable criteria listing the calls that are most important to you. This is an essential step to setting up a new account with ASD because it allows us to screen your calls effectively and reach out to you for the specific types of calls you need to have dispatched. There are currently over sixty different call classifications (example: Florist, Plots, Clergy, etc). Your customizable criteria lets us know if a call should be dispatched or left in your mailbox for future retrieval. We document your funeral home’s preferences thoroughly to ensure that you are only contacted for the calls you specify. You can change your normal contact procedures with a Supervisor 24/7 by calling 800-868-9950 Ext. 2.

NEW FIRST CALLS ONLY: Most Restrictive Option (CODE RED)

There are times when you know you will be difficult to reach. You may be making a removal in an area with poor cell coverage, conducting a funeral, or attending to other matters that require you limit all distraction. At these times, you can request to be contacted for “Code Red.” This category is limited to new first calls that you are not already aware of or issues related to a pending removal. Using a “Code Red’ status, when you receive a call from ASD you’ll know immediately that the call is regarding a recent passing. All other messages will be left in your voicemail box for future retrieval. Our Mobile Application, Text-Messaging and Email features provide you additional options for accessing other messages at your convenience.

When you give your on-call information to ASD, be sure to say “Reach me for ‘Code Red’ Calls Only” to enable this check-out option. If you say, “New First Calls Only”, we will most likely understand what you mean but using the correct terminology will ensure your account is not marked “Death Only” by mistake (see below). You can also change your contact procedures anytime on or through the ASD Mobile app.

“Death Only”: Limited Contact from ASD (CODE YELLOW)

Our “Death Only” option also limits how often you are contacted by ASD but it includes other, death-related calls that you may want to be contacted for without delay. Messages that fall under the “Death Only” criteria include anything that may lead to new business for the funeral home or anything time-sensitive related to a recent passing, including:

  • Any message regarding a new First Call
  • Personal emergencies
  • Any calls regarding a recent passing or pending removal
  • Pricing calls
  • Callers who indicate someone is close to passing
  • Callers interested in making Pre-Arrangements
  • Other funeral directors calling in reference to a death or removal
  • Immediate family members calling about an ongoing or upcoming funeral
  • Any calls that are extremely time-sensitive
  • Callers who request that someone be paged immediately

Our “Death Only” criteria option allows you to switch back and forth between your normal contact procedure and the mores restrictive “Death Only” option depending on your needs. If you are on a service or meeting with a family, you can conduct business free from interruption without ever missing an urgent call by saying “Death Only” when you give your on-call information. You can also change your contact procedures anytime on or through the ASD Mobile app.

Contact On All Calls (CODE GREEN)

For many funeral homes, remaining available 24/7 is a crucial. We understand that you have spent years cultivating relationships with residents in your community and want to be an active resource to your neighborhood. Therefore, many ASD clients prefer to be contacted for all callers who have a question or need a return call. With a ‘Contact On All Calls” status, ASD’s operators will be able to immediately assure your callers that a director will be returning their calls without delay.

Depending on your needs, you can opt to use “Contact On All Calls” temporarily or as your normal contact procedure. Many of our clients have chosen to use “Contact On All Calls” during office hours when they cannot answer the phone and switch to “Death Only” once the office has closed for the night.

Remember, you can change your on-call 24/7 on, through the ASD Mobile app, or by contacting us 24/7 on your funeral home’s call forwarding number. If you have any questions about how to change your on-call information, please contact us at 800-868-9950 ext 2 or email



About The Author

Jess Farren (Fowler)

Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at


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