Funeral Pro Chat Podcast #11: Bill Williams discusses ‘Remembering Our Fallen’

Jul 07, 2015

ASD recently teamed up with Funeral writer and media consultant, Nancy Burban, to launch Funeral Pro Chat, an exciting new Podcast series for funeral directors. Now available on iTunes, the series features directors and experts discussing the latest funeral trends, news and customs. This month, we are proud to feature Bill Williams, Founder of Remembering Our Fallen; memorials designed to travel so more people can have the opportunity to remember our fallen heroes.

In this podcast interview, Bill speaks with Nancy Burban and ASD Public Relations Specialist, Jessica Fowler, about why this cause is so important and how funeral professionals can help. Founded by Bill and his wife, Yvonne, Remembering Our Fallen is a war memorial that consists of individual exhibits created to remember our country’s fallen from the war on terror when the Twin Towers fell on September 11, 2001 to today. Unlike most war memorials made of brick and mortar, these memorials are designed to travel so more people can have the opportunity to remember our fallen while being reminded of the tremendous cost of our freedom. The goal of Remembering Our Fallen is to ensure these men and women will be remembered and their names will be spoken.

Listen now to hear Bill, Nancy and Jessica discuss this important mission and how you can get involved.

“These are all young people who serve and today only a half of 1% serve in the military. It’s different than World War II when everybody was involved on the home front with victory gardens and scrap metal drives and everybody knew somebody in the military. Now so few serve and most folks don’t pay much attention because it doesn’t affect them. However, if it’s your loved one on the display, it’s everything. That is why we feel that it’s important that the rest of us honor them for their sacrifice. They weren’t drafted; they stepped up to serve their country. When called upon they fought & paid the ultimate price. The least the rest of us can do is take a few minutes to see the exhibits and to honor their lives.”– Bill Williams

ASD would like to extend a special “Thank You” to Jon Reichmuth of Reichmuth Funeral Home in Elkhorn, NE for making us aware of this important organization and helping us to connect with Bill Williams.

Funeral Pro Chat was created to inform and enlighten funeral professionals on a range of subjects that interest them. Each podcast consists of an interview with a specially selected guest who will offer insight on a particular topic. Every month, two podcasts will be released on They are also available for download on iTunes.

To hear the first Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Caleb Wilde, click here. 

To hear the second Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Elleanor Davis Starks, click here. 

To hear the third Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Debra Fry, click here.
To hear the fourth Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Isaiah Owens, click here.
To hear the fifth Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Kevin Moran, click here.
To hear the sixth Funeral Pro Chat featuring John Beckwith, click here
To hear the seventh Funeral Pro Chat featuring Gene Steele, click here
To hear the eighth Funeral Pro Chat featuring Joe Sanchez, click here.
To hear the ninth Funeral Pro Chat featuring Jayme Jeter-Cameron, click here
To hear the tenth Funeral Pro Chat featuring Richard Traunero, click here

To learn more about FuneralProChat, visit

Thanks for listening. Please leave us a comment and share your thoughts on the podcast with us.

About The Author

Jess Farren (Fowler)

Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at

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