Funeral Pro Chat Podcast #15: Mike Squires On “Southern Calls”, Southern Funeral Traditions & Grief


Jul 27, 2016

ASD is proud to sponsor Funeral Pro Chat, an exciting and informative Podcast series for funeral directors. Now available on iTunes, the series features directors and experts discussing the latest funeral trends, news and customs. This month, we are proud to feature Mike Squires, a Southern Funeral Director and Founder of “Southern Calls” magazine. For those of you who have not seen this stunning publication, Southern Calls features gorgeous new and vintage photography and stories of funeral service in the south. In this podcast interview, Mike is interviewed by Nancy Burban and ASD Public Relations Specialist, Jessica Fowler, about how the idea for Southern Calls was born, how funeral traditions in the south have changed and how he has been affected by his own personal experiences dealing with grief.

Listen now to hear Mike recall how funeral service became his calling at an early age and explain how Southern funeral traditions have evolved over the years. You’ll also learn how Southern Calls is different than other funeral publications, both in the magazine’s design and mission.

“I wanted a publication that was more for us and telling our story from our perspective. I think the biggest surprise with the magazine has been the younger people that have embraced it and so many have really thanked me for giving them something that gives them pride in their profession. That has really been an ongoing comment that we keep getting.”-Mike Squires

Funeral Pro Chat was created to inform and enlighten funeral professionals on a range of subjects that interest them. Each podcast consists of an interview with a specially selected guest who will offer insight on a particular topic. This is the final podcast in the Funeral Pro Chat podcast series. It has been our honor and pleasure to sponsor this podcast series for the past two years. We hope you have enjoyed listening to Funeral Pro Chat as much as we have loved being apart of it.
Thank to our very talented friend, Nancy Burban, and to her partner, Steve C. Turner, for creating this podcast series and allowing ASD to sponsor and participate. We are also grateful to Bob Nary of Suite Audio for his exceptional recording and audio engineering skills. Finally, a big THANK YOU to all of our Funeral Pro Chat guest for sharing their own personal stories and expertise with us. We understand how busy funeral professionals are and we are truly grateful to all of our guests for giving up their time to share valuable information with the funeral service community.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to all of the Funeral Pro Chat podcasts, you can download any episode for free on iTunes or click below.

To hear the first Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Caleb Wilde, click here.
To hear the second Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Elleanor Davis Starks, click here.
To hear the third Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Debra Fry, click here.
To hear the fourth Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Isaiah Owens, click here.
To hear the fifth Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Kevin Moran, click here.
To hear the sixth Funeral Pro Chat featuring John Beckwith, click here.
To hear the seventh Funeral Pro Chat featuring Gene Steele, click here.
To hear the eighth Funeral Pro Chat featuring Joe Sanchez, click here.
To hear the ninth Funeral Pro Chat featuring Jayme Jeter-Cameron, click here.
To hear the tenth Funeral Pro Chat featuring Richard Traunero, click here.
To hear the eleventh Funeral Pro Chat featuring Bill Williams, click here.
To hear the twelfth Funeral Pro Chat featuring Toby Blackstar, click here.
To hear the thirteenth Funeral Pro Chat featuring Caleb Wilde and Jason Bathhurst, click here.
To hear the fourteenth Funeral Pro Chat featuring Bruce Jacobson, click here.

To learn more about FuneralProChat, visit

Thanks for listening. Please leave us a comment and share your thoughts on the podcast with us.


About The Author

Jess Farren (Fowler)

Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at


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