Funeral Pro Chat Podcast #5: Kevin Moran on Philanthropy in the Funeral Home

Oct 30, 2014

ASD recently teamed up with Funeral writer and media consultant, Nancy Burban, to launch Funeral Pro Chat, an exciting new Podcast series for funeral directors. The series will feature directors and experts discussing the latest funeral trends, news and customs. This month, we are proud to feature Funeral Director, Kevin Moran of John Vincent Scalia Home for Funerals.

This week marks the second anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, a devastating event that affected millions of people. Many people in New York and New Jersey are still rebuilding from the devastation today. As a funeral director located in Staten Island, NY, Kevin Moran was on the front lines after Hurricane Sandy struck. His funeral home was instrumental in aiding those affected, providing burials at no cost for those killed by the tragedy and offering housing and food to victims and volunteers for months.

Listen now to hear Kevin’s podcast interview with Nancy and ASD Public Relations Specialist, Jessica Fowler, on the role of philanthropy in the funeral home and how this terrible event brought funeral directors, vendors and other funeral professionals together in an effort to help those less fortunate. 


Kevin’s Father-In-Law, Funeral Director, John Scalia, has also spearheaded many charitable ventures through their funeral home, including burying indigent babies left in the morgue, complete with a graveside ceremony, casket, tombstones and flowers. It is our hope that this podcast will inspire other directors to consider what philanthropic efforts they can support to help their communities.

Funeral Pro Chat was created to inform and enlighten funeral professionals on a range of subjects that interest them. Each podcast consists of an interview with a specially selected guest who will offer insight on a particular topic. Every month, two podcasts will be released on They will also soon be available for download on iTunes.

To hear the first Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Caleb Wilde, click here. 

To hear the second Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Elleanor Davis Starks, click here. 

To hear the third Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Debra Fry, click here.
To hear the fourth Funeral Pro Chat podcast featuring Isaiah Owens, click here.

To learn more about FuneralProChat, visit

Thanks for listening. Please leave us a comment and share your thoughts on the podcast with us.

About The Author

Jess Farren (Fowler)

Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at

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