Dive Into Your Call History with ASD’s Deep Archive Search Tool


Aug 06, 2016

Have you ever needed to locate a message that ASD handled for you in the past? We have recently enhanced the Archive section of ASD Mobile for iPhone and Android and www.myASD.com to include a search tool to help you find old messages, call recordings and dispatch logs. With this option, you can easily locate messages by searching for a name, phone number or any other detail from the call.

In addition to searching through all of your messages, you can also narrow your search to specific types of calls such as preneed or price shopper calls. This option allows you to easily keep track of your most important messages and follow up when necessary. You can also select a date range to easily narrow down your search results making messages simpler to find than ever.

Our updated Deep Archive now stores messages for a much greater length of time, allowing you to access messages up to 5 years old. This includes deleted messages as well as recordings of calls that are directly patched to your staff or calls made using MobileFH®. Our new, comprehensive Archive section ensures that you have an easy-to-locate record of every call handled by ASD within a 5-year period.

To activate our new Search Tool on ASD Mobile for iPhone, simply tap on the Archive section of your messages and the search bar will appear at the very top. Tap on the search window and options will then display allowing you to specify what type of message to search for and set a date range.

To utilize our new Search Tool and access your Deep Archive messages on myASD.com, simply log in to your account and click on the ‘Archive’ link found under messages. At the bottom of your messages, you will now see a new search bar with options to search by date or by call type.

You can now search for specific types of calls, providing you with an in-depth analysis of your most important calls for better monitoring and tracking.

Below are just a few scenarios where ASD’s new Deep Archive and Search Tool can help you manage your funeral home communications:
  • You need to quickly look up a detail for a form or document from a First Call handled by ASD.
  • You need to find a recording of a patched pricing call to review call-handling procedures with the on-call director who handled the call.
  • You need to be able to track all of your preneed and pricing calls to monitor which employee was notified about the call and determine if any additional follow ups are needed.
  • You need to quickly look up a date of death from several years ago without having to sort through a pile of funeral records.
  • You need to narrow your search to First Calls and view the dispatch logs for each call to easily compare employee response times.
  • You need to find a phone number for someone you haven’t spoken with in several years.


“Many directors have requested enhanced features that allow them to easily locate and categorize their messages. At ASD, we are committed to providing solutions our clients need to monitor their communications,” says ASD Vice President, Kevin Czachor. “Our new search capabilities and Deep Archive provide funeral professionals with a simple tool to easily find, classify and track their messages. Utilizing these advanced features help our clients to stay organized, evaluate staff performance and follow up on business opportunities.”

If you are an ASD client and would like to learn more about our Deep Archive Search Tool, please call 800-868-9950 ext 2 or email support@myASD.com.

If your funeral home is not currently using ASD and you are interested in learning more about our answering service and exclusive features, such as our Deep Archive, please call our National Sales Manager, Craig Meehan, at 800-868-9950 or email Craig@myASD.com and ask about our 30 Day Free Trial.


About The Author

Jess Farren (Fowler)

Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at Jess@myASD.com


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