A Special Retirement Tribute to Marge Fox of Fox Funeral Home

Jun 25, 2015

At ASD, it is not too often that a client going off service brings a smile to our face. This month, we received word that our longtime client, Margaret Fox of Fox Funeral Home in Philadelphia would be retiring and moving to a sunnier, warmer climate. For nearly two decades, we have had the pleasure of assisting Marge with her calls. At ASD, we aspire to work with funeral directors until they day they retire. We are proud to have achieved this goal with Marge and wish her many years of good health and relaxation!

Many of our employees enjoyed a special and personal relationship with Marge. The kindness and respect she conveyed to our staff did not go unnoticed. Over the phone, our operators could recognize her caring voice instantly. On countless holidays in the past, Marge took time out of her busy schedule to send gourmet candies as a special treat to our staff.

On St. Patrick’s Day, Marge sent our staff lollypops from See’s Candies with a note that read, “I’m lucky enough to have you. Happy St Patty’s Day!

Back in 2011, I had an opportunity to interview Marge for an article I wrote for ICCFA Magazine. During our conversation, she explained that she never intended to become a funeral director, but falling in love can change everything. Her life took a series of unpredictable turns that eventually led to her meeting and marrying Funeral Director, George Fox, who operated Fox Funeral Home.

When George passed away many years later, Marge received a widow’s funeral license that allowed her to keep the firm in the Fox family and remain connected to the families in the neighborhood with whom she had built strong personal relationships.

“Becoming a funeral director was never something that was ever really on the scope for me. I didn’t pick it myself,” Marge told me. “It picked me.”

Although Marge never intended to become a director, she found her calling in funeral service. As the only director at her firm, Marge remained available 24/7 for any caller that needed her.

You have to be able to go with the flow and know that when that cell phone goes off you have to respond,” Marge says. “People who have families that are rooted in this industry don’t think twice about it—it just becomes second nature.”

We hope Marge puts as much effort into enjoying her retirement as she has all of these years dedicating herself to those in need. We know that her families will be in good hands. The dedicated directors of Slabinski Funeral Home, who ASD is also proud to serve, will now handle Fox Funeral Home’s calls.

Before going off service, Marge took the time to express her appreciation for ASD in a kind and moving thank you letter. This meant the world to everyone at ASD who has had the pleasure of working with Marge.

It has been such a joy working with Marge over the years and everyone at ASD wishes her a long and happy retirement!

About The Author

Jess Farren (Fowler)

Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at Jess@myASD.com

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